
5 Things to Keep In Mind Before Hiring a Graphic Designer

Art & Design Graphic Design

5 Things to Keep In Mind Before Hiring a Graphic Designer

Regardless of whether you’re a 6 months start-up or an established brand that has been running your niche for years, the right graphic development is necessary to turn your audiences into buyers; and your buyers into brand advocates.

Choosing the right graphic designer is key to staying the course and reaching your long-term goals. We wanted to share some points with you that need to be considered before choosing the right graphic designer.

In-house or Freelance?

Both of these approaches have pros and cons that weigh in on the decision-making process and it’s very important to know the strengths and weaknesses to line the best person up with your needs. 

  • In-house graphic designers have great advantages: they work solely on your project and are available on demand during working hours, and they will understand your brand down to the details. However, you still have to pay them when they idly wait for work and have a workload capacity since they will probably have an area of expertise.
  • Freelance graphic designers since they only get paid for the work they perform, and you can hire them whenever you actually have graphic development needs. But to pick the right freelance designer you need a thorough vetting process, and they won’t be available for meetings so you have to fill them in with more frequency to get them familiarized with your brand.

Taking these aspects into account you can see which kind of designer is best for your business or project. We could clarify, for example, that if you have a strong outreach dynamic you can hire a freelance designer for budget efficiency. Then we could also estimate that if you have a strong budget and ongoing graphic design demand, but a lot of moving parts to manage, then an in-house designer would suit you best. 

Manage Your Expectations

In the field of graphic design, many professionals delve into an area of expertise and this defines the type of workload they can manage. You also have to keep in mind what’s within the purview of a graphic designer even if they approach tasks that are outside their scope. Your graphic designer may know how to upload an image to a landing page, but you can’t expect them to code or do any other type of complex programming on the site. 

Their area of expertise also comes into play when you set your expectations, if the designer is proficient at social media design, you have to be more flexible with their time handling a logo design task. 

Plan Ahead For Your Needs

There are a few things you should have already defined before you approach your potential graphic designer or artist. 

  • – Potential skillset for the candidate
  • – Types of designs you will need
  • – Number and frequency of designs (x amount per day, week, month)
  • – An inspiration board to showcase color palette, fonts, and other designs as reference
  • – Target audience review

Once you have these elements set you can design an initial project that can work as a trial run for any designer you’re considering bringing on board. This initial project works as an in-depth evaluation to see how well you and you’re designer fit together. 

And So The Hunt Begins…

For you, finding the right graphic designer won’t be impossible but it’ll definitely be a lot of work. There are a number of websites solely dedicated to posting graphic design jobs and graphic designer profiles for hiring purposes. Some are focused on showcasing digital portfolios and a more personal look of the designer. 

This brings us to Haldoorgfx, we are a unique solution in the space we’re discussing, since our service model provides a team of designers at your service for a flat monthly rate which makes graphic development very accessible for businesses. We also offer Slack communication with our plans so our team is accessible for you to approach. 

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