Author: haldoorgfx


20 Graphic Design Books Recommended for Aspiring Graphic Designers

As a professional graphic designer, one always has to stay updated …

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5 Reasons Why Graphic Design is Important

When one talks about “business,” graphic design is among the roster …

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How Graphic Design Can Help Grow Your Business

When a graphic design comes up in business meetings it is …

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5 Things to Keep In Mind Before Hiring a Graphic Designer

Regardless of whether you’re a 6 months start-up or an established …

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4 Learning Management System Design Tips For Better eLearning

We’re obsessed with data these days, and for good reason: it’s …

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The Long-Term Effects Of Remote Learning May Not Be All Bad

Because of COVID-19, school cafeterias, gyms, and playgrounds across the country …

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4 Ways We Can Avoid Workplace Burnout

Feeling perpetually drained? Dreading that morning alarm? These could be signs …

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