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Canva acquired Affinity

Canva Acquires Affinity to Challenge Adobe

Big news for designers! Canva, a popular design platform known for …

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Devin AI: The World’s First AI Software Engineer

Imagine having an assistant who can code, build websites, and create …

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Bridging the Digital Divide: How E-Learning Platforms in Somalia Empower the Country

Somalia’s education sector is currently experiencing a revolution, with e-learning platforms …

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Top 10 Online Learning Platforms in 2024: Level Up Your Skills!

“Online learning platforms have exploded, offering a vast array of knowledge …

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8 Mistakes Graphic Designers Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Graphic design is a visually creative field that requires a blend …

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Adobe and Figma: A Love Story Gone Wrong?

Remember the Adobe and Figma acquisition? when Adobe, the big design …

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Unleash Your Potential: How Haldoor Academy is Empowering Somalis to Thrive

Imagine a place where knowledge is readily available, skills are honed …

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Google’s Gemini: A New Era of Artificial Intelligence

On December 6th, 2023, Google unveiled its latest and most powerful …

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Design Principles

10 Graphic Design Principles You Should Know

Graphic design is a visual language that uses elements like shapes, …

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How did I become a Graphic Designer?

Safarkaygii Graphic Designer-nimo laga soo bilaabo 2014-2023 Horraantii sanadkii 2014 waxa …

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